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Tagged: phillitia charlton

Phillitia Charlton Author/Playwright of Stage Play The Death of a Lie

By , 2020-02-29
Phillitia Charlton Author/Playwright of   Stage Play The Death of a Lie

Phillitia Charlton Author/Playwright of  

Stage Play The Death of a Lie

Author |Playwright| Trainer | Speaker

Here's the shortlink to the interview

Personal │ Professional Development Coach & Consultant

Picture and bio to download Phillitia

Phillitia Charlton is a wife, mother, educator, leader, author, life coach, and survivor. From seven foster care placements, to becoming the first principal of a dropout recovery alternative school to be named a National Urban School of Excellence before age 40, Phillitia has always been resilient and determined to make every moment count. She is the co-founder and CEO of Charlton Charlton & Associates, and the creator of The Death of a Lie Empowerment Program. Phillitia’s popular workshops, trainings, blogs and articles have helped CEO’s and business leaders skip the learning curve and dive into addressing personal issues that are hindering professional growth and productivity. She’s a passionate life-long learner. Phillitia’s over 18 years in Educational Leadership and Administration has made her the go-to girl when it comes to programming, leadership, empowerment, and accountability. Phillitia has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Relations and a Master of Arts Degree in Project Management. She is also a certified teacher and administration evaluator. Her work spans across several school districts and multiple universities. Phillitia’s work has been recognized by the Rotary Club of Dayton, the National Center for Urban School Transformation, the Ohio Auditor of the State, and the National Urban League.

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